the luxury Equestrian network is a community of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA equestrian realtors, builders, architects, designers, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, manufacturers, movers, shakers, and dreamers.
Why join our community?
Building a thriving community within the equestrian industry is a paramount goal for all those who have a passion for these noble creatures. In order to achieve this, collaboration and support must form the foundations of our interactions. By fostering an inclusive environment where individuals from all backgrounds and disciplines can come together, we create a space that nurtures growth and knowledge exchange. This collaborative spirit enables us to celebrate the achievements of our members, while also providing a platform to tackle challenges and seek advice. Together, we can inspire and empower one another, strengthening our bonds and ultimately elevating the equestrian industry to new heights. Through shared experiences, connections, and a collective dedication to the welfare of our horses, we can cultivate a community that not only thrives, but also leaves an indelible legacy for future generations of equestrians to come.
Join us for networking events from Santa Barbara to San Diego, CA.
Showcase your brand to our equestrian community by sponsoring an event.
Fill out our application to be a member and join our exciting community!
Featuring our Founder Lindsay Hunter, Lindsey Vorwith’s advice on buying and building equestrian properties in San Diego, American Stalls’ design across the nation catering to different climates, FEI trainer Ashley Donadt explains how good barn design boosts her performance, and a recap of our Fall 2024 event.